Welcome to my Showcase

What started out as an inter-school wordpress site for me and my peers to share our thoughts and ideas has evolved into an obsession with Cybernetics and systems design. The web has proven itself as a playground for me to experiment with new technologies and exercise my creativity. Over the last few years, I have managed to turn these skills into a service, and have enjoyed my time working with local companies and organizations to build their websites, apps, and systems at large. My vision is to turn this into a career that is lucrative, yet stimulates my soul.

Development Environment

I daily drive NixOS on my development PC, with VSCode as my IDE. I use Supermaven as my AI copilot. I have fallen in love with the declarative approach to administrating systems and software, and is definitely something I am to push going into the new year

Tool Stack

Language Stack


Developed the website for Studio111, a glasgow based music and photography studio for hire

Currently executing milestone 3 out 4 for a universal app for a glaswegian company called Vegan Wheels. This is my first introduction to mobile development.